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320227916_e6d5fc518e_ocreative commonsIn celebration of April as National Poetry Month, I will be releasing over the next week or so some poetry I’ve written on love that has lain too long in my drawer.

The first few, shown below, are short and simple, written as a young bride.

In time they grow longer, darker, deeper, exploring the many faces and shapes that love takes as it grows and strengthens, wanes and darkens, matures and celebrates new beginnings.

Now, While

While the love-light of your eyes
Shines upon my face,
And your bare-bodied shadow
Presses close to mine,

With the moonlight and trees
Spreading patterns across our bed,
And the corners of the room
lie dark and drowsy,

Let us kiss and love.

While our bodies still hungrily cling
Let us sleep,

Closely breathing,
Closely dreaming,
Close in love.



You’re gone!
And though I know
You’ll be back Monday
The word gets caught between
The empty of my arms

Lovers1 (2)Just Asking

We loved
We came to be like
Mirrors, reflecting like

I saw myself
An image in your eye.

When you’re gone
I find myself
And empty likeness

I question, are you gone
Or am I?

blog pics1Would That Love

Would that love move me once
That it move me far enough
Would that love move me now
In all I do.

For the way is far too strong
That would push against the throng,
Cut me loose to lose myself
In loving you.

Since the day will surely show
When I’ll have to let you go
What a waste to love you then
With clutching arms.

So let me meet your every wish
Make myself a selfless gift
That I fill to overflowing
Loving you.

And when we part, if part we must,
I’ll unclasp in loving trust,
For Love spent us to the full
In every way.

NOTE:  This post began a series of posts that originally were supposed to be part of a series of love poems to celebrate April as National Poetry Month. Eventually it morphed into something else–a memoir of our marriage, or an anatomy of love as it evolves over time. Below are all five posts in the series, which seem to cover  married love in all of its manifestations:  Innocent love, erotic love, disappointed love, love lost, love renewed, and love that lasts. The last one was Freshly Pressed.

Silly Little Love Poems, Unloosed at Last

The Geometry, and Geography, of Love

Love’s Duplicity

Love Lost, and Renewed

Celebrating Lasting Love

Other Posts that Include My Poetry

Wheeling away on the Isle of Pines

A Scattering of Rocks – Zen in the Garden of Eden

Touching the Wild

Hot Hills in Summer Heat

Walking Among Flowers

Night Howls

Swimming Among the Stars